Why Join BNI?

Why BNI?

The most effective way to build your business is to have people recommend you to others, which is known as “referral marketing”.

The world leader in referral marketing is BNI®.

With thousands of chapters around the world and more than a hundred in New Zealand, BNI is internationally recognised as the very best way to build relationships that lead to increased opportunities to do business with people you know, like and trust.

By attending weekly – usually breakfast – meetings, members learn how to market their non-competing businesses, effectively turning their fellow members into an extended sales force.

Over time, getting to know the chapter members leads to the giving and receiving of referrals that turn into new business, as well as opportunities for collaboration between businesses. 

By using the services of fellow businesses, members learn what these businesses offer and become comfortable recommending them to people they know.


The Benefits

The benefits of BNI don’t stop there. 

Our members have free access to global training through BNI University. This online learning platform offers our members the opportunity to learn a wide range of networking and leadership skills.

They learn to identify untapped business opportunities for themselves and their fellow members.

Members develop a close network of like-minded business owners who help and inspire each other to greater business success. 

Also, members learn how to work with others to run a successful chapter, passing millions – of dollars in referrals a year. New Zealand BNI members generate $50M+ in referral business each year. Would you like a share of this for your business?

To find out how BNI can give you more business opportunities than you ever thought possible, visit a chapter.

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